The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

SDL Suite - Light Edition

The SDL Suite/LE (Light Edition) is a restricted version provided free of charge for private and educational purposes. Private usage means that you can use the SDL Suite for your private activities which must be non-commercial (this means that you do not earn any money or receive any other material benefits from the programs which use the SDL Suite). By educational usage we mean using the SDL Suite for educating yourself or others, again without earning money from your educational activities. Using the Light Edition in scientific programs is not an educational usage, even if you are using it only for your PhD thesis (a PhD thesis is neither private nor educational, it is research with clear material benefits, both for you and the institution you are working for). In such cases you are not allowed to use the Light Edition.

The following table lists all restrictions of the Light Edition. Click here for a comparison of features of the various versions of the SDL Suite.

Restrictions of the Light Edition
Component Unit Restrictions
TAssocArray DSTRUCT loading and storing disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, WriteToXMLStream, and AddXMLAttributes not available
max. number of entries: 10 associations
TBoxPlot BOXPLOT max. size of data matrix: 2000 cells
copying and printing of image disabled: methods CopyToClipboard, CopyToClipboardWMF, CopyToBMP, CopyToBitmap, CopyToWMF, PrintIt, and CopyToOpenPrinter not available
TByteMatrix DSTRUCT max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TColorScale COLORSCALE Orientation: the color scale is restricted to a horizontal layout
TContourPlot RCHART Resolution: the pivot resolution is restricted to 500
copying and printing of image disabled: methods CopyToClipboard, CopyToClipboardWMF, CopyToBMP, CopyToBitmap, and PrintIt are not available
TColSel COLSEL color names are fixed: property ColorNames is read-only
max. number of user-defined colors:47
TCTab CSTRUCT write data to disk disabled: methods WriteToMDLCTabFile, WriteToMDLCTabStream, WriteToClearTextFile, WriteToMDLMolFile, WriteToMDLMolStream, and WriteToMolConnXFile not available
TCurveFit MATH2 reduced set of curve fitting algorithms: CalcExponentialFit, CalcGaussFit, CalcReciLinFit, CalcHyperbolFit, CalcReciHyperbolFit, CalcLogFit, CalcReciLogFit, CalcHoerlFit, CalcPowerFit, CubicSpline, and SmoothedSpline not available
TDataTable DATATABLE loading and storing disabled: methods ExportAsASC, ImportASC, and ReadFromASC not available
max. size of data matrix: 2000 elements
TDendrogram DATATABLE class not available
TExtractor MATH2 class not available
TFastFourier FOURIER max. spectrum size: 1024 elements
TFolderTree FOLDERTREE supported disk drives: drive C only
TGeoAtlas GEOATLAS class not available
TGeoDB GEODB various access methods disabled: methods ExportDataDebug, GarbageCollection, GetMetaInfo, ReadSystemInformation, RecalcIndexes, SearchData, UpdateBasicData, and UpdateMetaInfo are not available.
TGeoMap GEOMAP printing disabled: PrintIt, CopyToOpenPrinter, and CalcExtentsOfPrint are not available
saving of landmarks disabled: WriteLandmarksToOpenXMLFile and SaveLandmarks are not available
magnification factor restricted: the magnification factor of displayed maps is limited to values between 0.5 and 2.0.
map size: limited to a maximum of 3 million pixels (width x height less than 3 million)
TGradFill GRADFL reduced set of fill patterns: gtEllipticFull, gtEllipticFit, gtRadial, gtDiagGrid, gtRect not available
grid overlay not available: property GridMode is set to gmNone
THtmlLab HTMLLAB class not available
THtmlProducer HTMLSUPPORT restricted HTML template: property Template is restricted to a maximum length of 1000 characters
TIntMatrix MATRIX loading and storing of matrix disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, SaveAsXMLFile, StoreOnFile, SaveToStream, LoadFromFile, LoadFromStream, StoreSparseMat, and LoadSparseMat not available
max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TIntVector VECTOR max. size of vector: 2000 elements
TKohonen KOHONEN loading and storing of network disabled: methods WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, SaveAsXMLFile, ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, and LoadFromXMLFile not available
max. size of network: 2000 neurons
TMatrix MATRIX loading and storing of matrix disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, SaveAsXMLFile, StoreOnFile, SaveToStream, LoadFromFile, and LoadFromStream not available
max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TMat3D MATRIX loading and storing of matrix disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, and SaveAsXMLFile not available
max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TMat4D MATRIX loading and storing of matrix disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, and SaveAsXMLFile not available
max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TMathExpression MATH2 class not available
TMemBasedLearner MEMBL max. size of data model: 2000 elements
kNN distance matrix: CalcNNOfModelData, CalcNNOfModelData, kNNOfModelData, kNNDistOfModelData are not available
TMeter METER secondary needle: not available
meter layout: MeterLayout offers only 120 and 330 degrees
TMLRModel STATIS class not available
TNTabEd NTABED max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
unavailable methods and properties: SortCols, SortColNames, SortColAttributes, SortRows, SortRowNames, SortRowAttributes, FindColIndex, FindRowIndex, AssignAnotherDataMatrix, CopyContentsFrom, CellState, and CopyCellStatesFrom
TNumIO & TNumIO2 NUMIO supported numeric formats: decimal versions only; hexadecimal, octal, and binary inputs are not available
TNumLab NUMLAB supported numeric formats: decimal versions only; dtHex, dtZeroInt, dtDateTime, dtState, dtBin, dtOct, dtDeg, dtDegMin, and dtDegMinSec are not available
TOnOffBut ONOFFBUT transparency: the background of the button may not be made transparent
user-defined glyphs: the methods LoadUserGlyph and SetUserGlyph are not available
mouse interaction: the mouse interaction is always focused to the button glyph and cannot be blocked
TPlot3D PLOT3D copying and printing of image disabled: Printit, CopyToOpenPrinter, CopyToClipboard, CopyToBMP, CopyToWMF, and CopyToClipboardWMF are not available
loading and storing of matrix disabled: methods ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, SaveAsXMLFile, StoreOnFile, SaveToStream, LoadFromFile, and LoadFromStream not available
max. size of matrix: 2000 cells
TPLSModel STATIS class not available
TPolChart POLCHART class not available
TProgBar PROGBAR progress bar direction: rightward and upwards only
TRasterLab RASTERLAB scrolling direction: rdsmRight and rdsmOff only
TRChart RCHART max. number of elements: 1000
max. number of layers: 2
copying and printing of image disabled: methods CopyToClipboard, CopyToClipboardWMF, CopyToBMP, CopyToBitmap, CopyToWMF, PrintIt, and CopyToOpenPrinter not available
TReportListView REPLIST max. size of GridMat: 2000 elements
method FilterAndSort not available loading and storing of data disabled: methods LoadLinesFromFile, ReadFromXMLString, ReadFromXMLStream, ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, WriteToXMLStream, and SaveAsXMLFile not available
TRot3D ROT3D max. number of elements: 250
copying and printing of image disabled: methods CopyToBMP, CopyToWMF, CopyToClipboardWMF, CopyToClipboard, Printit, and CopyToOpenPrinter not available
TRotLab ROTLAB transparency: the background of the label may not be made transparent
text aligment: the caption of the label is always centered (no left or right alignment)
TScale SCALE class not available
TScaleGauge GAUGE Orientation: the gauge is restricted to a horizontal layout
TSevenSeg SEVENSEG max. number of digits: 6
colors of digits: restricted to red only
available characters: '+', ':', and '°' are not available
TSmithChart RCHART max. number of elements: 1000
copying and printing of image disabled: methods CopyToClipboard, CopyToBMP, CopyToBitmap, PrintIt, and CopyToOpenPrinter not available
TStringArray DSTRUCT loading and storing disabled: methods ReadFromOpenXMLFile, LoadFromXMLFile, WriteToOpenXMLFile, and SaveAsXMLFile not available
max. number of cells: 2000
TStringSearch MATH2 class not available
TThumbnails THUMBNAILS multiple selection of slides: disabled
anti-aliasing: blocked
max. number of slides: 100
TUrlLab URLLAB class not available
TVector VECTOR max. size of vector: 2000 elements
TWaveLet1D WAVELET max. size of data vector: 1024 elements
max. order of Daubechies wavelets: 3
  HTMLSUPPORT unavailable functions: AnsiToHTMLEntity, MakeStringHTMLCompatible, ResolveHTMLEntities, HTMLEntityToAnsi, DefaultHTMLHead, DefaultHTMLFoot
  MATH1 unavailable functions: IsValidDouble, IsValidHex, IsValidOctal, IsValidBin, IsValidDecInt, IsValidFPNum, ScanHex, ScanOctal, ScanBin, ScanDegrees, ScanDateTime, ScanDecimal and ScanFPNum
  MATH2 unavailable functions: FindCenters, PenalizedCubicSpline, SingValDecomp, SingValEquSolve, and MultiLinReg
  STATIS unavailable functions: chi2DistriIntegral, chi2DistriDensity, Chi2DistriQuantile, FDistriDensity, FDistriIntegral, FDistriQuantile, tDistriIntegral, tDistriDensity, tDistriQuantile, Perform2SampleTTest, ShapiroWilkTest, ShapiroWilkIntegral, LoadPLSModelComment
  STRINGL unavailable functions: ParseQuotedName, ExtractParam, UUDecodeStr, UUEncodeStr, TextLineCoords, DetectNextTagInString, and ReadNextTagInString
  STREAMS unavailable functions: ScanStreamForXMLTag, ReadStreamUntilTagList, ExtractFromStream, SearchAndReplace
  OPENARRAYS unavailable functions: AccumulateArray, MeanVarArray, MultiplyArrays, StoreArray, VectorDotProduct, VectorCrossProduct

Last Update: 2023-Dec-16