SDL Component Suite / Light Edition

The SDL Component Suite/LE (Light Edition) is a restricted version of the commercial edition of the SDL Component Suite. It is provided free of charge for private and educational purposes and gives you the power of a professional package at no costs. A comparison of the features of the various SDL Suite editions can be found here.

 Download the free Light Edition 

Following are a few questions and answers concerning the Light Edition and its use:

What are the restrictions of the Light Edition?

There are generally three kinds of restrictions: (1) Some components must not exceed a maximum size (i.e. a matrix of the type TMatrix is confined to a maximum of 2000 elements). (2) A few components are not available at all. (3) Some functions and methods are not available. All in all the goal of the Light Edition is to provide all the functionality you need to learn how to write programs for science and engineering. For more information please have a look at the online help.

Do I have to pay any fees for using the Light Edition?

No, you don't - as long as you do not earn any money or receive any other material benefits from the programs which use the SDL Suite/LE.

How can I switch to the commercial edition of the SDL Component Suite?

Simply buy a license. The license is a one-time fee which entitles you to use the SDL Suite free of charge in your programs. Licenses are available for individual packages and at different levels. A comparison of the features is described in the online help, for prices and orders see here.

How can I evaluate those components which are not contained in the Light Edition?

You should obtain the sample programs which always contain an executable which has been compiled using the commercial version. Further, there is detailed information on all components of the SDL Suite in the help file.