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Declaration:TRequestEditFormatEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Col, Row: longint; var Format: string) of object;

The type declaration TRequestEditFormatEvent defines the event which occurs upon starting the row editor (method EditRowEntries). It is triggered once for each column immediately after reading the ColumnFormat and before starting to interpret the format specifier. Thus it gives you the opportunity to dynamically supply a format specifier which can be taylored to the requirements of specific cells of the report listview.

The parameters Col and Row hold the column number and the row number of the corresponding cell. The variable parameter Format contains the format specification as it is defined in the property ColumnFormat. You may change the contents of Format in order to adjust the format of the cell.

Hint: The format string passed to the calling routine is not checked for syntactical correctness. Wrong or illegal format specifiers will result in unpredictable results.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06