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Unit: SDL_rchart
Class: none
Declaration: TrcItem = (tkNone, tkMarkAt, tkLine, tkLineto, tkRect, tkRectFrame, tk3DBar, tkText, tkMoveTo, tkEllipse, tkEverything, tkNotMoveTo, tkMoveRelPix, tkLineRelPix, tkArrow, tkDoubleArrow, tkTextOfs, tkRectRelPix, tkMarkEBar, tkLineOffs, tkArc, tkLineRelPixOrig, tkCursorVert, tkCursorHoriz, tkCross);

This type declaration defines the various types of the items in the chart.

type of element Explanation TRChart TSmithChart TContourPlot
tk3DBar Bar3D - Bar3D
tkArrow Arrow - Arrow
tkArc Arc - Arc
tkCross Cross - Cross
tkCursorVert CursorVert - CursorVert
tkCursorHoriz CursorHoriz CursorHoriz
tkDoubleArrow DoubleArrow - DoubleArrow
tkEverything (not a visual element) (not a visual element) (not a visual element)
tkEllipse Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse
tkLineRelPix DrawToRelPix - DrawToRelPix
tkLine Line Line Line
tkLineRelPixOrig DrawToRelPix - DrawToRelPix
tkLineOffs LineOffset - LineOffset
tkLineto DrawTo DrawTo DrawTo
tkMoveRelPix MoveToRelPix - MoveToRelPix
tkMoveTo MoveTo MoveTo MoveTo
tkMarkAt MarkAt MarkAt MarkAt
tkMarkEBar MarkErrorBar - MarkErrorBar
tkNotMoveTo (not a visual element) (not a visual element) (not a visual element)
tkNone (not a visual element) (not a visual element) (not a visual element)
tkRect Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle
tkRectFrame RectFrame - RectFrame
tkRectRelPix RectangleRelPix RectangleRelPix RectangleRelPix
tkText Text Text Text
tkTextOfs Text Text Text

Last Update: 2023-Oct-29