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Class: TRChart
Declaration: [1] procedure Moveto (x,y: double);
[2] procedure Moveto (x,y: integer);
[3] procedure Moveto (x: integer; y: double);
[4] procedure Moveto (x: double; y: integer);

The method MoveTo moves the drawing cursor to the point (x,y). MoveTo can be used with two different coordinate systems: version [1] uses the world coordinates (these are the coordinates shown at the axes of the chart), version [2] uses the screen coordinates in pixels, versions [3] and [4] provide a mixed coordinates mode.

Hint: In the Light Edition the number of chart elements is restricted to 1000 elements.

Example: This method is used in the following example programs (see for downloading the code): chartpolygons, convexhull, curvefit, duallayer, fft60hz, fft, fdistri, foursynt, ftfilter, geodata, printcht, rch2win, rchdrag, rchfifo, rchmouse, rchzoomp, rcshared, rctstspd, rctextlabel, simplepca, spline, userspec

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13