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Declaration:property ScalePropsX [SclIx: integer]: TScalePropsHoriz;

The array property ScalePropsX controls the form and layout of the horizontal scales of the MAXNUMRCLAYERS data layers of RChart. The parameter SclIx specifies the layer to be addressed. It contains the following sub-properties, most of them being directly related to the TScale class (which actually displays the scale):

Caption: string; Caption of the scale
CaptionPosX: integer; horizontal offset of the caption
CaptionPosY: integer; vertical offset of the caption
CaptionAlignment: TAlignment; alignment of the caption text
CaptionAnchor: TScaleUnitAnchor; anchor of caption text
ColorScale: TColor; color of the scale
DateFormat: TDTLabel; format of date and time labels
DecPlaces: integer; number of decimal places used for scale labels
Font: TFont; font of scale labels
Logarithmic: boolean; scale is logarithmic if set TRUE.
LabelType: TFigType; kind of label
MinTicks: integer; minimum number of tick marks
MinRange: double; defines the minimum range the x-axis has to span. This property can be used to prevent users from zooming too much into the data. MinRange is set to 10-10, by default.
MouseAction: TMouseActMode; facilitates interactive zooming and panning of the scale. This property may take one of the following values: maNone, maPan, maZoom and maZoomDrag. For details, see TScale.MouseAction.
RangeLow: double; left or bottom value of the scale. If the new value of RangeLow would result in an axis which covers a range smaller than MinRange, RangeHigh is automatically adjusted to span the minimum range as defined by MinRange.
RangeHigh: double; right or top value of the scale. If the new value of RangeHigh would result in an axis which covers a range smaller than MinRange, RangeLow is automatically adjusted to span the minimum range as defined by MinRange.
ShortTicks: boolean; displays short tick marks between scale ticks
ScaleInscript: string; extra text for each text label
ScaleLocation: TScaleLocationHoriz; controls the location of the scale: slTop displays the scale at the top of the chart, slBottom displays it at the bottom.
ScalePos: integer; distance of the scale axis from the chart margin. A number greater than zero moves the entire scale away from the chart margin (independent of the location of the scale).
UserTickText: string; user defined scale labels
Visible: boolean; controls the visibility of the scale

Hint 1: Please note that RChart publishes the first 4 scales (ScalePropsX[1]..ScalePropsX[4]) in order to be accessible in the object inspector (properties Scale1X..Scale4X).

Hint 2: The Light Edition of the SDL Suite supports only two layers. The index SclIx of ScalePropsX is therefore restricted to the values 1 and 2 in the Light Edition.

Example: This property is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): processc

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13