The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Public Constants

Constant Value/Declaration Explanation
clXXXXX $XXXXXXXX see declaration of color constants
IsLightEd - see description
MaxX11 145 Number of colors defined in the constant array X11Colors.
MaxPreDefColors 47 Number of colors defined in the constant array PredefinedColors.
NumStandardColors 20 The colors 1..NumStandardColors of the constant array PredefinedColors are the standard Windows colors.
NumVGAColors 16 The colors 1..NumVGAColors of the constant array PredefinedColors are the standard VGA colors.
NumAllSDLColors 466 The colors 1..NumAllSDLColors of the constant array AllSDLColors are all colors which are defined by identifiers.
Release - see description
SDLVersionInfo - see description

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06