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Declaration:property Options: TGridOptions;

These are the possible values that can be included in the Options set:

goFixedHorzLine When True, horizontal lines appear between the rows within nonscrolling regions.
goFixedVertLine When True, vertical lines appear between the columns within nonscrolling regions.
goHorzLine When True, horizontal lines appear between the rows.
goVertLine When True, vertical lines appear between the columns.
goRangeSelect When True, the user can select a range of cells at one time. When goEditing is True, the user can no longer select a range of cells.
goDrawFocusSelected When True, the cell with the focus is colored the same as other cells in a selected block are colored. When False, the cell with the focus remains the color of all unselected cells, the color specified with the report list Color property.
goRowSizing When True, rows can be resized individually except for fixed or nonscrolling rows.
goColSizing When True, columns can be resized individually except for fixed or nonscrolling columns.
goRowMoving When True, the user can move a row to a new location in the report list using the mouse.
goColMoving When True, the user can move a column to a new location in the report list using the mouse.
goEditing Has no effect on TReportListView. In order to make a column either read-only or editable please use the array property ColumnEditable.
goAlwaysShowEditor When True, the report list is in automatic edit mode if goEditing is also True. When the report list is in automatic edit mode, the user does not have to press Enter or F2 before editing the contents of a cell. When goAlwaysShowEditor is False and goEditing is True, the user must press Enter or F2 before editing the contents of a cell. If goEditing is False, setting goAlwaysShowEditor to True has no effect. For best results set it to false !
goTabs When True, the user can use the Tab and Shift-Tab keys to move from column to column in the report list.
goRowSelect When True, the user can select only whole rows at a time instead of individual cells.
goThumbTracking When True, the contents of the report list scrolls while the user is moving the thumb tab of the report list scroll bar. When False, the contents of the report list doesn't scroll until the user releases the thumb tab in its new position.

By default the following options are set: goColSizing, goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goThumbTracking, and goRowSelect.

Hint: Due to a bug in the C++Builder libraries, no Paint event is triggered when the Options property is changed during run-time. As a work around the Refresh method of TReportListView should be called after changing the options.

Example: This property is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): replistv

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13