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Unit: SDL_rchart
Class: TContourPlot
Declaration: MaskPalette: TColorArray;

The property MaskPalette controls the colors used for rendering the pivotal mask. By default, the MaskPalette array has a size of 256 entries, three of them having special meanings:
0 ... no mask is drawn, data is displayed normally
1 ... neither data nor mask is drawn (the background color specified by the property ChartColor is shown)
255 ... not mask is drawn but data is display using inverted colors

the first 16 colors (indices 2 to 17) are the standard VGA colors, the rest of the array (indices 18 to 254) contains a smoothly interpolated array of colors from darkblue over green, red, and yellow to white. Please note that the last value of the color palette is never used, since a mask value of 255 causes an inverted region (see also the description of the array property Mask).

The MaskPalette array may be filled and changed by the properties and methods of the class TColorArray. Please note that the size of the MaskPalette must not be changed.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13