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Unit: SDL_math2
Class: none
Declaration: TRegModel = (rmNone, rmLinear, rmParabolic, rmGaussian, rmReciLin, rmHyperbolic, rmReciHyperbolic, rmLog, rmReciLog, rmPower, rmExpo, rmHoerl, rmCircle, rmPolynomial, rmCenteredPoly);

The type TRegModel defines the various regression models which are supported by TCurveFit:

rmNone undefined model
rmLinear linear (straigt line) model
rmParabolic parabolic model
rmGaussian Bell shaped Gaussian curve
rmReciLin reciprocal linear model
rmHyperbolic hyperbolic model
rmReciHyperbolic reciprocal hyperbolic model
rmLog logarithmic model
rmReciLog reciprocal logarithmic model
rmPower power function
rmExpo exponential function
rmHoerl Hoerl function
rmCircle circle
rmPolynomial polynomial model (order 1 to 10)
rmCenteredPoly centered polynomial model (order 1 to 10)

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06