The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....


Unit: SDL_numlab
Class: TNumLab
Declaration: property StyleElements: TStyleElements;

The property StyleElements determines which parts of the control are subject to changes by styles. Please note, that the property StyleElements overrides the following colors:

Option Affected Property Explanation
seFont ColorOutText the color of the outer text
ColorLabText the color of the labels text
seClient ColorOutBakG color of the outer background
ColorLabBakG color of the label background

Hint 1: The property StyleElements is available only under RadStudio 10.0 (XE3) or higher.

Hint 2: The property Transparent should be set to false when applying styles with a dark background.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-27