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Unit: SDL_dstruct
Class: none
Declaration: [1] function SHA1FromString (const InString: string): TSHACode;
[2] function SHA1FromString (const InString: AnsiString): TSHACode;

The function SHA1FromString calculates the SHA-1 digest of the string InString.

Hint 1: Please note that version [1] of this routine calculates the SHA-1 digest using the currently active character encoding (which is in most cases a 16-bit Unicode string). However, this may cause compatibility issues on systems using a character encoding other than 16-bit Unicode. To be on the safe side you should consider to use version [2] of this routine which always uses 8-bit ANSI characters.

Hint 2: Under Delphi 6 and 7 only the version [2] is available.

Hint 3: Please note that this routine has been derived from code originally published by TurboPower under the Mozilla Public License. See SourceForge for Details.

Last Update: 2023-Nov-12