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Class: TDataTable
Declaration: procedure SetCellStates (LowCol, LowRow, HighCol, HighRow: integer; CellState: byte; LogicOp: TLogicOp);

The method SetCellStates sets the cell states of all cells in the range defined by [LowCol,LowRow] and {HighCol,HighRow] by logically combining the current cell states and the parameter CellState. The kind of logical operation is specified by LogicOp.

Hint: Setting both the low and high parameter of a dimension (i.e. LowCol and HighCol) to zero values forces the method to use all elements of that dimension.

Example: In order to invert the red markings of all cells of column 4 of the data matrix you can use the following call:
SetCellStates (4,0,4,0,csMarkedA,loXOR);

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14