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Unit: SDL_stringl
Class: none
Declaration: function ScanStringForXMLTag (InString: string; StartIx: integer; XMLTag: string; var Attrib, Contents: string): integer;

The function ScanStringForXMLTag scans the string InString for the XML tag XMLTag. The XML tag specification must not include the leading and trailing angle brackets ('<' and '>'), the search for the XML tag is not case sensitive. The scanning for the XML tag starts at the position StartIx. On return the function delivers the attributes of the tag in the parameter Attrib and the entire text between the requested XML tag and its corresponding closing tag in the parameter Contents.

The function returns one of the following error codes:

>0 no error; the returned integer value is the index of the first byte after the closing tag
-1 tag not found
-2 tag found, but closing tag missing



Last Update: 2023-Jul-09