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Class: TGeoMap 
Declaration: procedure SaveLandmarks (FileName, DataID: string);

The method SaveLandmarks stores the landmarks of a map as an XML file on the disk. The parameter FileName specifies the name of the file to be generated, the parameter DataID holds a unique identifier which is stored as the attribute "id " of the <gmlandmarks> tag. For a detailed description of the generated tags please see the method WriteLandmarksToOpenXMLFile.

Example: Following is a sample XML code generated by SaveLandmarks. The parameter DataID has been set to 'myDataID':
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- TGeoMap Landmarks / SDL Component Suite -->
<gmlandmarks sig="SDLCSuite" vers="1.0" id="myDataID">
<landmark lat="49" long="10" alti="0" class="0" usertag="0" colorfg="00FF0000"
colorbg="00FFFFFF" size="7" transp="FALSE" element="Cross" dir="0" leng="10" id=""
date="18991230000000" captext="Maximal" capsize="8" capfnm="Arial" capfst="0100"
capfgcol="0000FF00" capbgcol="00FFFFFF" captransp="FALSE" capdir="0"
capdx="0" capdy="10" caphal="2" capval="0" />
<landmark lat="48" long="10" alti="88" class="0" usertag="0" colorfg="00FF0000"
colorbg="00FFFFFF" size="7" transp="FALSE" element="Cross" dir="0" leng="10" id=""
date="18991230000000" captext="Landmark 1" capsize="10" capfnm="Arial" capfst="0100"
capfgcol="000000FF" capbgcol="00FFFFFF" captransp="FALSE" capdir="0"
capdx="0" capdy="10" caphal="2" capval="0" />
<landmark lat="47.9" long="10.5" alti="0" class="0" usertag="0" colorfg="00FF0000"
colorbg="00FFFFFF" size="7" transp="FALSE" element="Cross" dir="0" leng="10" id=""
date="18991230000000" captext="Landmark 2" capsize="10" capfnm="Arial" capfst="1000"
capfgcol="00FF0000" capbgcol="00FFFFFF" captransp="FALSE" capdir="90"
capdx="16" capdy="-8" caphal="0" capval="0" />

Example: This method is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): simplegeomap

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13