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Declaration:function Resize (Nc, Nr: longint): boolean;

The method Resize serves to change the dimensions of the string array during run-time. The parameters Nr and Nr determine the intended new size of the array (number of columns and number of rows). Resize returns a TRUE value if the new array has been resized successfully. The sort order is reset since Resize performs an implicit Unsort.

Hint 1: Any excess elements which are not covered by the original string array are set to empty strings.

Hint 2: If only the number of rows is going to be changed, the resizing operation can be speeded up by properly setting the property AllocRowsBy.

Hint 3: In the Light Edition the max. number of cells of the string array is restricted to 2000 (i.e. the product of NrOfColumns times NrOfRows must not exceed 2000).

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13