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NTabEd Popup Menus

The table editor offers a default popup menu which provides some often needed commands. Note that the default popup menu is only available if no popup menu is assigned to the property PopupMenu. The popup commands can be invoked by clicking the right mouse button which pops up a menu. This popup menu is context sensitive, depending on the position where the mouse has been clicked.

The commands in the popup menu for the data area effect only the selected range of the data table. You can select the range by left-clicking and dragging over the table entries. The following commands are available:

Mark as type A, Mark as type B You may mark cells either as of type A or type B. Non-rectangular areas of marked cells may be created by marking parts of the area repeatedly. After selecting the type of the marking, you have to specify which part of the table is to be marked: Range marks only the selected range of cells, Column marks the whole column(s) of the selected range, Row marks the whole row(s) of the selected range, and All marks the whole table. Related procedures: PopupMenuClickMarkARange, PopupMenuClickMarkARow, PopupMenuClickMarkAAll, PopupMenuClickMarkAColumn, PopupMenuClickMarkBRange, PopupMenuClickMarkBRow, PopupMenuClickMarkBAll, PopupMenuClickMarkBColumn
Unmark A, Unmark B Cells may be selectively unmarked. After selecting which type of cells should be unmarked, you have to specify which part of the table is to be unmarked: Range unmarks only the selected range of cells, Column unmarks the whole column(s) of the selected range, Row unmarks the whole row(s) of the selected range, and All unmarks the whole table. Please note that the Unmark A/B command unmarks only cells of the selected type (either A or B). In order to perform a general unmark command you should use Unmark All instead (see below). Related procedures: PopupMenuClickUnMarkARange, PopupMenuClickUnMarkARow, PopupMenuClickUnMarkAAll, PopupMenuClickUnMarkAColumn, PopupMenuClickUnMarkBRange, PopupMenuClickUnMarkBRow, PopupMenuClickUnMarkBAll, PopupMenuClickUnMarkBColumn
Unmark All The command Unmark All unmarks all cells of the table without regard for the type of markings or the selection range. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickUnMarkAll
Clear The command Clear resets all selected cells to zero values and resets the cells states to csNone (previously empty cells will now show up as non-empty cells filled with zero values). Please note that the Clear command (and its related procedure PopupMenuClickClear) is only executed if the event OnClear is undefined. If OnClear is defined the event handler is called instead. This way you can redefine the actions occurring when calling the Clear command from the context menu.
Copy The command Copy copies the contents of the selected cells both to the Windows clipboard and to an internal auxiliary storage place which is used by the Paste command. The precision of the data copied to the Windows clipboard can be controlled by the property ClipboardUseFullPrec, the precision of the data copied into the internal storage is always full double precision. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickCopy
Paste The command Paste is only active if data is available in the auxiliary storage (i.e. the Copy command has been performed previously). Data values are copied from this internal area to the cells starting with the upper left corner of the selected range of cells. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickPaste
Data Read-Only The command Data Read-Only is a toggle switch between edit mode and read-only mode. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickEdit
Extract From ClpBrd Extract all numeric values from a text in the clipboard. The numbers are copied to the data matrix starting at the currently selected cell. A carriage return or line feed increases the row counter. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickExtClip
Select All Selects all cells of the editor matrix. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickSelAll
Toggle Empty State Inverts the "empty" cell state of the selected cells of the editor matrix. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickEmptyCells
Reset all Empty States Resets all cell states of the entire data matrix to the non-empty state. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickResetEmptyStates

The popup menu for the header areas contain the following commands:

Edit Identifier This command opens an edit window, where you can edit the selected row or column identifier. Note that during editing an identifier the other mouse functions are disabled. The identifier can be edited only, if the options of NTabEd include goEditing = true. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickChangeID
Change Precision This command changes the precision of displayed values in the selected column. You can cycle through the possible precision values by clicking on this command several times. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickPrecision
Delete Column/Row Deletes the entire column or row. Related procedures: PopupMenuClickDeleteCol and PopupMenuClickDeleteRow
Insert Column/Row Inserts an empty column to the left of the current one, or an empty row above the current. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickInsertCol and PopupMenuClickInsertRow
Select Column/Row Selects the entire column/row. Related procedure: PopupMenuClickSelectCol and PopupMenuClickSelectRow

The table comment may be edited by right clicking into the table cursor cell (upper left cell). Thereafter an editing window is opened which lets you enter or change a comment on the table.

Hint: All popup menu commands can be disabled or enabled by setting the properties PopupDMask and PopupHMask. Further, the internal popup menus can be completely switched off by setting the property BlockInternalPopup to TRUE.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06