The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Properties and Methods of Thumbnails

  Constants and Types
TImageRequestProcess TImageRequestEvent TImageClickEvent
TSlideRenderedEvent TSlideSelectMode

Align Anchors AntiAlias
ColorBackGnd ColorCover ColorFocus
ColorMark ColorScheme ColorSelected
DragCursor DragMode Enabled
FirstThumbIdx FrameStyle FocusedSlide
FocusLinewidth Font Hint
InnerFrameStyle Max Min
NumSlidesHoriz NumSlidesVert OuterFrameStyle
ParentFont ParentShowHint PopupMenu
ShowHint SlideDistance SlideMargin
SlideSelected SlideSelectMode SlideSize

Assign CalcSlideIndex CalcSlidePos
Create Destroy FirstSelectedSlide
Free NumSlidesSelected ResetAllSelections

Events OnFirstImageRequest OnFocusChange
OnImageClick OnImageDblClick OnImageRequest
OnLastImageRequest OnSlideRendered

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06