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Unit: SDL_membl
Class: TMemBasedLearner
Declaration: property kNNDistOfModelData [k,obj: integer]: double;

The array property kNNDistOfModelData returns the distances of the nearest neighbors of all objects of the model data. The parameter k specifies the kth nearest neighbor and can vary between 1 and MBLMAXNEIGHBORS, the parameter obj specifies the object of the model data (= the row of the ModelData table).

Please note that the table of nearest neighbors implicitly depends on the properties DistMode and ScalingMode and on the variables used for the calculation of the nearest neighbors (property VarType). Thus if you change any of these properties you have to call CalcNNOfModelData to recalculate the list of nearest neighbors.

If any of the parameters is invalid the function returns a value of -1.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06