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Interface of SDL_Statis

  SDLVersionInfo = 'statis_r1200_full';
  IsLightEd = false;
  SDLVersionInfo = 'statis_r1200_lighted';
  IsLightEd = true;
  Release = 1200;

  ESDLStatisError = class(ESDLError);      { exception type to indicate errors }
  TSignifLevel = (Dot20, Dot15, Dot10, Dot05, Dot01);
  TSignifLevelEx = (Dot001, Dot002, Dot005, Dot010, Dot020,
                    Dot050, Dot100, Dot200, Dot500);
  TtTestVersion = (ttPaired, ttHomoScedastic, ttHeteroScedastic);
  TRegModelType = (rmMLR, rmLDA, rmRR);

  TRandGen = class (TComponent)
               FLowBorder         : double;
               FHighBorder        : double;
               FResolution        : integer;
               FDistVec           : array of double;
               procedure SetResolution (res: integer);
               function  GetProbability (Idx: integer): double;
               function  GetRandNum: double;
               function  GetLambda (ix: integer): double;
               procedure SetProbability (Idx: integer; Value: double);
               constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
               destructor Destroy; override;
               property  Lambda[ix: integer]: double read GetLambda;
               procedure Normalize;
               function  Standardize: boolean;
               procedure NormalDistri (m, s: double);
               property  Probability[ix: integer]: double
                             read GetProbability write SetProbability;
               property  Random: double read GetRandNum;
               function  IndexOfLambda (Lambda: double): integer;
               procedure tDistri (df: integer);               
               procedure Chi2Distri (df: integer);
               procedure FDistri (df1, df2: integer);
               procedure UniformDistri;
               procedure WeibullDistri (beta, eta: double);
               property  HighBorder: double read FHighBorder write FHighBorder;
               property  LowBorder: double read FLowBorder write FLowBorder;
               property  Resolution: integer read FResolution write SetResolution;

  TOnModelApplyRequestEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer;
         Predictors: TDoubleArray; var Response, Thresh: TDoubleArray) of object;
  TOnModelCreateRequestEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer;
         ObjectList: TIntArray; var Success: boolean) of object;

  TCrossValidator = class(TComponent)
        FTestSize  : integer;
        FPress     : TVector;
        FIsRunning : boolean;
        FTPCnt     : TIntVector;  // true positive count
        FFPCnt     : TIntVector;  // false positive count
        FTNCnt     : TIntVector;  // true negative count
        FFNCnt     : TIntVector;  // false negative count
        FXMat      : TMatrix;  // pointer to external descriptor matrix (X)
        FYMat      : TMatrix;  // pointer to external response matrix (Y)
        FOnModelApplyRequest : TOnModelApplyRequestEvent;
        FOnModelCreateRequest : TOnModelCreateRequestEvent;
        FOnCheckAbort : TOnCheckAbortEvent;
        procedure SetTestSize (size: integer);
        function GetRMSEP(ix: integer): double;
        function GetMCC(ix: integer): double;
        function GetFNCnt (ix: integer): integer;
        function GetFPCnt (ix: integer): integer;
        function GetTNCnt (ix: integer): integer;
        function GetTPCnt (ix: integer): integer;
        function GetTPRate(ix: integer): double;
        function GetFPRate(ix: integer): double;
        function GetTNRate(ix: integer): double;
        function GetFNRate(ix: integer): double;
        constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
        destructor  Destroy; override;
        function Execute: boolean;
        property IsExecuting: boolean read FIsRunning;
        property RMSEP[varix: integer]: double read GetRMSEP;
        property TPCnt [varix: integer]: integer read GetTPCnt;
        property TNCnt [varix: integer]: integer read GetTNCnt;
        property FPCnt [varix: integer]: integer read GetFPCnt;
        property FNCnt [varix: integer]: integer read GetFNCnt;
        property TPRate [varix: integer]: double read GetTPRate;
        property FPRate [varix: integer]: double read GetFPRate;
        property TNRate [varix: integer]: double read GetTNRate;
        property FNRate [varix: integer]: double read GetFNRate;
        property MatthewsCorr [varix: integer]: double read GetMCC;
        property XMat: TMatrix read FXMat write FXMat;
        property YMat: TMatrix read FYMat write FYMat;
        property SizeTestSet: integer read FTestSize write SetTestSize;
        property OnModelApplyRequest: TOnModelApplyRequestEvent
                    read FOnModelApplyRequest write FOnModelApplyRequest;
        property OnModelCreateRequest: TOnModelCreateRequestEvent
                    read FOnModelCreateRequest write FOnModelCreateRequest;
        property OnCheckAbort: TOnCheckAbortEvent
                    read FOnCheckAbort write FOnCheckAbort;

  TMLRModel = class(TComponent)
        FXData         : TMatrix;          // independent variables
        FYData         : TVector;          // target variable
        FInVarNames    : TStrArray;        // input variable names
        FOutVarName    : string;           // name of output variable
        FWeights       : TDoubleArray;     // weights of model
        FSiglev        : TDoubleArray;     // p value of coefficients
        FTVal          : TDoubleArray;     // p value of coefficients
        FFitR2         : double;           // goodness of fit of model
        FStatistic     : double;           // F-value of model
        FForceZeroIcpt : boolean;          // TRUE: force model through origin
        Fdfreg,                            // ANOVA params of the regression model
        Fdftotal       : integer;
        FSSE, FSSR,
        FSST, FMSE,
        FMSR           : double;
        FDWstat        : double;           // Durbin-Watson statistic
        FResiduals     : TDoubleArray;     // residuals
        FStddevRes     : double;           // standard dev. of the residuals
        FCooksD        : TDoubleArray;     // Cook's distance
        FMLRTRange     : TMatrix;          // list of training data range
        FRegModType    : TRegModelType;    // type of regression model
        FLDAThresh     : double;           // LDA threshold
        FLDAV1, FLDAV2 : double;           // LDA values
        FLambda        : double;           // lambda of ridge regression
        FRRStdCoeffs   : boolean;          // TRUE: standardized coeffs in ridge reg
        FROCCoords     : TDouble2DArray;   // ROC values for LDA models
        FBestROC       : integer;          // optimum ROC value
        FAUC           : double;           // AUC
        FThreshMMC     : double;           // opt. threshold obtained via MMC
        FThreshAcry    : double;           // opt. threshold via accuracy
        FThreshInfo    : double;           // opt. threshold via informedness
        function  GetInVarName (varix: integer): TNameStr;
        procedure SetInVarName (varix: integer; Name: TNameStr);
        procedure GetMeanVarOfTarget (var Mean, Vari: double);
        procedure GetMeanVarOfVar (ColNr: integer; var Mean, Vari: double);
        procedure GetMinMaxOfTarget (var Mini, Maxi: double);
        procedure GetMinMaxOfVar (ColNr: integer; var Mini, Maxi: double);
        function  GetWeight (varix: integer): double;
        function  GetROCFPRate (ix: integer): double;
        function  GetROCTPRate (ix: integer): double;
        function  GetROCThresh (ix: integer): double;
        function  GetCooksD (objix: integer): double;
        function  GetResiduals (objix: integer): double;
        function  GetSigLevel (varix: integer): double;
        function  GetTValue (varix: integer): double;
        function  GetROCLength: integer;
        function  GetBestROC: integer;
        procedure SetLamda (Value: double);
        procedure SetMeanVarOfTarget (Mean, Vari: double);
        procedure SetMeanVarOfVar (ColNr: integer; Mean, Vari: double);
        procedure SetMinMaxOfTarget (Mini, Maxi: double);
        procedure SetMinMaxOfVar (ColNr: integer; Mini, Maxi: double);
        procedure SetRegModType (RegModType: TRegModelType);
        procedure XDataResize (Sender: TObject);
        procedure YDataResize (Sender: TObject);
        constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent);
        destructor  Destroy;
        property AUC: double read FAUC;
        property BestROC: integer read GetBestROC;
        property CooksD [objix: integer]: double read GetCooksD;
        property DWStat: double read FDWStat;
        property FitR2: double read FFitR2;
        property ForceZeroIcpt: boolean read FForceZeroIcpt write FForceZeroIcpt;
        property FStat: double read FStatistic;
        property InVarName[varix: integer]: TNameStr
                     read GetInvarName write SetInVarName;
        property Lambda: double read FLambda write SetLamda;
        property LDAThreshold: double read FLDAThresh write FLDAThresh;
        property LDAV1: double read FLDAV1;
        property LDAV2: double read FLDAV2;
        property ModelType: TRegModelType read FRegModType write FRegModType;
        property pValue[varix: integer]: double read GetSigLevel;
        property RegCoeffs[varix: integer]: double read GetWeight;
        property Residuals[objix: integer]: double read GetResiduals;
        property ROCFPRate[ix: integer]: double read GetROCFPRate;
        property ROCLength: integer read GetROCLength;
        property ROCThresh[ix: integer]: double read GetROCThresh;
        property ROCTPRate[ix: integer]: double read GetROCTPRate;
        property StdDevRes: double read FStdDevRes;
        property TgVarName: string read FOutVarName write FOutVarName;
        property ThreshAcry: double read FThreshAcry;
        property ThreshInfo: double read FThreshInfo;
        property ThreshMMC: double read FThreshMMC;
        property tStat[varix: integer]: double read GetTValue;
        property XData: TMatrix read FXData write FXData;
        property YData: TVector read FYData write FYData;
        function ApplyModel (Sensor: TVector; var yHat: double): integer;
        function CalculateModel: integer;
        procedure GetAnovaPars (var dfreg, dfres, dftotal, SSE, SSR, SST,
                     MSE, MSR, FStat: double);
        function LoadModel (FName: String): integer;
        procedure StoreModel (FName: String);

  TPLSSclMode = (scmCenter, scmStandardize);
  TPLSModel = class(TComponent)
        FScoreX         : TMatrix;
        FScoreY         : TMatrix;
        FLoadX          : TMatrix;
        FLoadY          : TMatrix;
        FWgtX           : TMatrix;
        FOrthoLd        : TMatrix;
        FVarX           : TVector;
        FVarY           : TVector;
        FCvdRmsEP       : TVector;
        FCvdMCC         : TVector;
        FCvdFPRate      : TVector;
        FCvdTPRate      : TVector;
        FCfThresh       : TVector;
        FIsDAModel      : boolean;
        FXMat           : TMatrix;
        FYMat           : TMatrix;
        FNFact          : integer;
        FRegCoeffs      : TMatrix;
        FXNames         : array of TDTNameStr;    // names of predictors
        FYNames         : array of TDTNameStr;    // names of response variables
        FScalMod        : TPLSSclMode;
        FObjNames       : array of TDTNameStr;    // names of objects
        FObjAtt         : array of byte;          // attributes of objects
        FObjTag         : array of integer;       // numeric tag of objects
        FOnPercentDone  : TOnPercentDoneEvent;
        FOnCheckCVDAbort: TOnCheckAbortEvent;
        function GetPredName (ix: integer): string;
        procedure SetPredName (ix: integer; value: string);
        function GetRespoName (ix: integer): string;
        procedure SetCFThresholds (YHat: TMatrix);
        procedure SetRespoName (ix: integer; value: string);
        function GetObjName (ix: integer): string;
        procedure SetObjName (ix: integer; value: string);
        function GetObjAtt (ix: integer): byte;
        procedure SetObjAtt (ix: integer; value: byte);
        function GetObjTag (ix: integer): integer;
        procedure SetObjTag (ix: integer; value: integer);
        procedure CVDModelApplyRequest(Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer;
                     Predictors: TDoubleArray; var Response, Thresh: TDoubleArray);
        procedure CVDModelCreateRequest(Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer;
                     ObjectList: TIntArray; var Success: Boolean);
        procedure CVDModelCheckAbort (Sender: TObject; var AbortProcess: boolean);
        procedure SetNFactors (nfac: integer);
        procedure PercDone (Sender: TObject; Percent: longint);
        procedure FXMatResize (Sender: TObject);
        constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property ScoreX: TMatrix read FScoreX;
        property ScoreY: TMatrix read FScoreY;
        function LoadModelCoefficients (FileName: string;
             var Comment: string): integer;
        property LoadX: TMatrix read FLoadX;
        property LoadY: TMatrix read FLoadY;
        property NamePredictor[ix: integer]: string
             read GetPredName write SetPredName;
        property NameResponse[ix: integer]: string
             read GetRespoName write SetRespoName;
        property OrthoLd: TMatrix read FOrthoLd;
        property WgtX: TMatrix read FWgtX;
        property VarX: TVector read FVarX;
        property VarY: TVector read FVarY;
        property ClassifThreshold: TVector read FCfThresh;
        property RegCoeff: TMatrix read FRegCoeffs;
        procedure SaveModelCoefficients (FileName, Comment: string);
        procedure AppendModelParamsToFile (var OFile: TextFile; Comment: string);
        property XMat: TMatrix read FXMat write FXMat;
        property YMat: TMatrix read FYMat write FYMat;
        property NameObj[ix: integer]: string read GetObjName write SetObjName;
        property ObjAttrib[ix: integer]: byte read GetObjAtt write SetObjAtt;
        property ObjTag[ix: integer]: integer read GetObjTag write SetObjTag;
        procedure CalculateModel;
        function MaxFactors: integer;
        procedure Predict (XData: TDoubleArray; var YHat: TDoubleArray); overload;
        procedure Predict (XData: TMatrix; var YHat: TMatrix); overload;
        procedure SetObjAttribs (Attrib: byte);
        procedure SetObjTags (Tag: integer);
        property CvdRmsEP: TVector read FCvdRmsEP;
        property CvdMCC: TVector read FCvdMCC;
        property CvdFPRate: TVector read FCvdFPRate;
        property CvdTPRate: TVector read FCvdTPRate;
        function CrossValidateModel (SizeTestSet: integer): double;
        property Factors: integer read FNFact write SetNFactors;
        property IsDiscriminantModel: boolean read FIsDAModel write FIsDAModel;
        property ScalingMode: TPLSSclMode read FScalMod write FScalMod;
        property OnCheckCVDAbort: TOnCheckAbortEvent
                     read FOnCheckCVDAbort write FOnCheckCVDAbort;
        property OnPercentDone: TOnPercentDoneEvent
                     read FOnPercentDone write FOnPercentDone;

  TCFEvaluator = class(TComponent)
        FTrueVec   : TDoubleArray;  // true values
        FEstVec    : TDoubleArray;  // estimated values
        FIsSorted  : boolean;
        Ftp, Ffp,
        Ftn, Ffn   : int64;     // counts of confusion matrix
        FCFThresh  : double;    // threshold used for calc. the confusion matrix
        FIsDicho   : boolean;
        FDichoV1   : double;
        FDichoV2   : double;
        function GetNData: integer;
        function GetTrueData (ix: integer): double;
        procedure SetTrueData (ix: integer; value: double);
        function GetEstimData (ix: integer): double;
        procedure SetEstimData (ix: integer; value: double);
        procedure SetNData (value: integer);
        function SortEstimated: integer;
        constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
        destructor  Destroy; override;
        function Accuracy: double;
        function CalcConfusionMatrix (CFThresh: double): integer;
        function OptimizeThresholds (var ROCCoords: TDouble2DArray;
                         var BestROC: integer; var AUC, ThreshMMC,
                         ThreshAccuracy, ThreshInformedness: double): integer;
        function CopyTrueFromMatrix (Col: integer; SrcMat: TMatrix): integer;
        function CopyEstFromMatrix (Col: integer; SrcMat: TMatrix): integer;
        property DichoV1: double read FDichoV1;
        property DichoV2: double read FDichoV2;
        property EstimData [ix: integer]: double
             read GetEstimData write SetEstimData;
        function F1Score: double;
        function FpRate: double;
        function FnRate: double;
        function GetActualDichoValues (var v1, v2: double): boolean;
        function GetConfMatValues (var tp, fp, tn, fn: integer;
                         var Thresh: double): integer;
        function Informedness: double;
        function MatthewsCorr: double;
        property NData: integer read GetNData write SetNData;
        function NegPredVal: double;
        function Precision: double;
        function ThreatScore: double;
        function UncertCoeff: double;
        property Threshold: double read FCFThresh;
        function TnRate: double;
        function TpRate: double;
        property TrueData [ix: integer]: double
             read GetTrueData write SetTrueData;

  NUMERICSIGLEVEL    : array[TSignifLevelEx] of double = (0.001, 0.002, 0.005,
                                      0.010, 0.020, 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.500);
  NUMERICSIGNIFLEVEL : array[TSignifLevel] of double = (0.20, 0.15, 0.10,
                                                        0.05, 0.01);

function AdjustedRandIx
          (ContTab : TInt2DArray)                          { contingency table }
                   : double;                             { adjusted Rand index }
function AkaikeInfCrit
             (nobs,                                   { number of observations }
             nvars : integer;                            { number of variables }
                SSE: double)                        { sum of squared residuals }
                   : double;
function BinomCoeff
                (n : integer;                       { total number of elements }
                 k : integer)                       { number of drawn elements }
                   : longint;                           { binomial coefficient }
function Anova1F
             (Data : TVector;              { collection of data to be analyzed }
           TmLevel : TIntVector;       { level of treatment of each data point }
          var SSTm,
           SSTotal : double;                                  { sum of squares }
       var DFTm,
           DFTotal : integer;                             { degrees of freedom }
         var FSTat : double)                                         { F value }
                   : double;                                         { p-value }
function BartlettTest
             (Data : TDouble2DArray;                 { two dimensional dataset }
       NSampleData : TIntArray;        { number of data points for each sample }
          var Chi2 : double)              { the corresponding chi-square value }
                   : double;                                         { p-value }
function BinomDistriDensity
       (SampleSize : integer;     { sample size drawn from infinite population }
         FractionA : double;                    { fraction of items marked "A" }
                 k : integer)   { k drawn items marked "A" (out of SampleSize) }
                   : double;            { density of the binomial distribution }
function BinomDistriIntegral
       (SampleSize : integer;     { sample size drawn from infinite population }
         FractionA : double;                    { fraction of items marked "A" }
                 k : integer)   { k drawn items marked "A" (out of SampleSize) }
                   : double;           { integral of the binomial distribution }
function BinomDistriQuantile
       (SampleSize : integer;     { sample size drawn from infinite population }
         FractionA : double;                    { fraction of items marked "A" }
                 p : double;                                     { probability }
    var ActualProb : double){ actual probability assoc. with returned quantile }
                   : integer;              { quantile of binomial distribution }
function BinomSignTest
             (Data : TBoolArray;                    { binary data to be tested }
                p1 : double)             { expected probability of TRUE values }
                   : double;                               { probability of H0 }
function CalcAndTestKurtosis
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                         { data to be tested }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { one sided / two sided tests }
            var m4,                                            { fourth moment }
             Gamma,                                         { gamma = kurtosis }
        zStatistic : double)         { normally distributed statistic for test }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function CalcAndTestSkewness
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                         { data to be tested }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { one sided / two sided tests }
            var m3,                                             { third moment }
             Gamma,                                         { gamma = skewness }
        zStatistic : double)         { normally distributed statistic for test }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function CalcFishQ
            (m1,m2,                                 { mean values, class 1 & 2 }
             s1,s2 : double)                             { standard deviations }
                   : double;                                    { Fisher ratio }
function CFAccuracy
           (tp, fp,                           { true and false positive counts }
            tn, fn : integer)                 { true and false negative counts }
                   : double;                             { classifier accuracy }
function CFInformedness
           (tp, fp,                           { true and false positive counts }
            tn, fn : integer)                 { true and false negative counts }
                   : double;                                    { Informedness }
function CFMatthewsCorr
           (tp, fp,                           { true and false positive counts }
            tn, fn : integer)                 { true and false negative counts }
                   : double;                            { Matthews correlation }
function Chi2DistriDensity
             (chi2 : double;                             { chi square quantile }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;              { density of chi square distribution }
function chi2DistriIntegral
             (chi2 : double;                             { chi square quantile }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function chi2DistriQuantile
                (p : double;                                     { probability }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                   { quantile of chi2-distribution }
function Chi2OfContTab
          (ContTab : TInt2DArray;                          { contingency table }
         var chisq,                                    { calculated chi-square }
                 p : double)                       { corresponding probability }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function Chi2OfContTabYates
          (ContTab : TInt2DArray;                      { 2x2 contingency table }
         var chisq,                                    { calculated chi-square }
                 p : double)                       { corresponding probability }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function CorrTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;                         { data to be tested }
           RefCorr : double;                           { reference correlation }
           var rxy : double;                                    { corr. coeff. }
        var pvalue : double)                                         { p value }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function ConfidenceInterval
            (alpha : double;                           { level of significance }
            StdDev : double;                              { standard deviation }
           NumData : integer)                                    { sample size }
                   : double;                             { confidence interval }
function DeanDixonCriticalValues
            (NData : integer;                                 { number of data }
          SigLevel : TSignifLevelEx)                   { level of significance }
                   : double;                                  { critical value }
function DeanDixonTest
             (Data : TVector;                              { data to be tested }
          SigLevel : TSignifLevelEx;                   { level of significance }
     var Statistic : double)                                  { test statistic }
                   : integer; overload;                     { index of outlier }
function DeanDixonTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                         { data to be tested }
          SigLevel : TSignifLevelEx;                   { level of significance }
     var Statistic : double)                                  { test statistic }
                   : integer; overload;                     { index of outlier }
function DurbinWatsonCrit5pct
            (NData,                                    { number of data points }
            NParam : integer;                   { number of variables involved }
        var dLower,
            dUpper : double)    { critical values at the 5% significance level }
                   : boolean;                 { TRUE if crit. values are valid }
function DurbinWatson
        (Residuals : TDoubleArray)                         { data to be tested }
                   : double;                         { Durbin-Watson statistic }
function Erf
                (x : double)                                      { parameters }
                   : double;                                 { function result }
function ErfApprox
                (x : double)                                      { parameters }
                   : double;                                 { function result }
function EstimateProbDensity
 (const SampleData : TVector;                                    { sample data }
   var Probability : TVector;                        { resulting prob. density }
         LowBorder,                               { lower border of estimation }
        HighBorder,                               { upper border of estimation }
         Smoothing : double;                    { width of the Gaussian kernel }
       WindowWidth : double;               { width of local density estimation }
        Resolution : integer;                { resolution of the prob. density }
     var MinDensIx,                                           { minium density }
         MaxDensIx : integer;                                { maximum density }
          Feedback : TOnPercentDoneEvent)                   { feedback routine }
                   : integer;
function ExtractClassifPerformance
            (clix : integer;                                     { class index }
          ConfMat : TIntMatrix;                 { multi-class confusion matrix }
       var tp, fp,                                 { true/false positive count }
           tn, fn : integer)                       { true/false negative count }
                  : integer; overload;
function ExtractClassifPerformance
            (clix : integer;                                     { class index }
          ConfMat : TInt2DArray;                { multi-class confusion matrix }
       var tp, fp,                                 { true/false positive count }
           tn, fn : integer)                       { true/false negative count }
                  : integer; overload;
function FDistriDensity
                (F : double;                                      { F quantile }
          df1, df2 : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                       { density of F distribution }
function FDistriIntegral
                (F : double;                                      { F quantile }
               df1 : integer;                             { degrees of freedom }
               df2 : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function FDistriQuantile
                (p : double;                                     { probability }
               df1 : integer;                             { degrees of freedom }
               df2 : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                                        { quantile }
function FisherExactTest
          (FreqTab : TInt2DArray;                        { 2x2 frequency table }
       var ProbLow,                           { cumulative prob. of lower tail }
          ProbHigh,                           { cumulative prob. of upper tail }
         Prob2Tail : double)             { cumulative prob. of two-tailed test }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function FisherTransform
                (x : double)                                        { argument }
                   : double;                              { Fisher's transform }
function FisherTransformInv
                (x : double)                                        { argument }
                   : double;                        { inverse Fisher transform }
function FriedmanTest
             (Data : TMatrix;                              { data to be tested }
      var Chi2Stat : double)                                      { chi2 value }
                   : double;                                         { p value }
function GiniCoeff
             (Data : TDoubleArray)                                { data array }
                   : double;                                { Gini coefficient }
function GrubbsCriticalValues
            (NData : integer;                          { number of data points }
             alpha : double;                           { level of significance }
          twosided : boolean)                           { TRUE: two-sided test }
                   : double;          { critical value for 2-sided Grubbs test }
function GrubbsTest
             (Data : TVector;                              { data to be tested }
          SigLevel : double;                           { level of significance }
     var Statistic : double;                                  { test statistic }
       var Outlier : integer)                               { index of outlier }
                   : integer; overload;                           { error code }
function GrubbsTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                         { data to be tested }
          SigLevel : double;                           { level of significance }
     var Statistic : double;                                  { test statistic }
       var Outlier : integer)                               { index of outlier }
                   : integer; overload;                           { error code }
function HyperGeoDistriDensity
                (p : double;                { probability of interesting cases }
              npop : integer;                          { total number of cases }
           nsample : integer;                           { no. of samples drawn }
                 k : integer)        { no. of interesting cases to be expected }
                   : double;  { probab. to observe exactly k interesting cases }
function IncompleteBeta
                (x : double;                                        { quantile }
              a, b : double)                                      { parameters }
                   : double;                                 { function result }
function IncompleteGamma
             (x, a : double):                                     { parameters }
                   double;                                   { function result }
function KolmogSmir1SampleTestStat
       (SampleSize : integer;                    { size of sample to be tested }
             alpha : TSignifLevel)                     { level of significance }
                   : double;                               { critical KS value }
function KSPValue
          (NumData : integer;                                    { sample size }
               KSD : double)               { Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic }
                   : double;                    { p-value corresponding to KSD }
function KSQuantile
          (NumData : integer;                                    { sample size }
             alpha : TSignifLevel)                     { level of significance }
                   : double;                                  { critical value }
function Lambda
          (ContTab : TInt2DArray;                          { contingency table }
     var LambdaRow,              { lambda, rows contain the dependent variable }
         LambdaCol : double)  { lambda, columns contain the dependent variable }
                   : integer;                                   { error number }
function LeveneTest
             (Data : TVector;              { collection of data to be analyzed }
           TmLevel : TIntVector;       { level of treatment of each data point }
         var FStat : double)                                         { F value }
                   : double;                                         { p value }
function LillieforsPValue
          (NumData : integer;                                    { sample size }
               KSD : double)                       { Lilliefors test statistic }
                   : double;                    { p-value corresponding to KSD }
function LillieforsQuantile
          (NumData : integer;                                    { sample size }
             alpha : double)                           { level of significance }
                   : double;                                  { critical value }
function LnBeta
              (z,w : double)                      { arguments of beta function }
                   : double;                                       { Beta(z,w) }
function LnBinomCoeff
                (n : integer;                       { total number of elements }
                 k : integer)                       { number of drawn elements }
                   : double;               { logarithm of binomial coefficient }
function LnGamma
                (x : double)                      { argument of gamma function }
                   : double;                                    { ln(gamma(x)) }
function LoadPLSModelComment
         (FileName : string;                           { filename of PLS model }
       var Comment : string)                                         { comment }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function MedianTest
         (DataGrp1,                                         { data of sample 1 }
          DataGrp2 : TDoubleArray;                          { data of sample 2 }
          var Chi2,                                         { chi-square value }
             pChi2,                                { corresponding probability }
         Chi2Yates,                  { chi-square value, corrected after Yates }
        pChi2Yates,         { corresponding probability, corrected after Yates }
            pExact : double)                      { Fisher's exact probability }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function nDistriDensity
                (u : double)                                  { critical value }
                   : double;                  { density of normal distribution }
function nDistriIntegral
                (u : double)                                        { argument }
                   : double;                      {integral of norm.dens.funct.}
function nDistriQuantile
                (p : double)                                     { probability }
                   : double;                             { normal distribution }
function PearsonCorrCoeff
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;                     { data to be correlated }
     var CorrCoeff : double)                         { correlation coefficient }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function PercentileOfArray
                (Data : TDoubleArray;                          { 1D data array }
                 prob : double;                                  { probability }
      FirstIx, LastIx : integer;{ first and last index of region to be checked }
       var Percentile : double)                        { calculated percentile }
                      : integer;                                  { error code }
function Perform1SampleChi2Test
             (Data : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
         RefStdDev : double;                         { reference standard dev. }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
          var Mean,                                 { means of the two samples }
            StdDev,                   { standard deviations of the two samples }
     Chi2Statistic : double;                                  { chi2-statistic }
            var df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function Perform1SampleTTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                 { data points of the sample }
           RefMean : double;                                  { reference mean }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
          var Mean,                                       { mean of the sample }
            StdDev,                         { standard deviation of the sample }
        tStatistic : double;                                     { t-statistic }
            var df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function Perform2SampleTTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TVector;                 { data points of the two samples }
          TestType : TtTestVersion;           { kind of t-test to be performed }
          OneSided : boolean)                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function Perform2SampleTTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TVector;                 { data points of the two samples }
          TestType : TtTestVersion;           { kind of t-test to be performed }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
  var Mean1, Mean2,                                 { means of the two samples }
      Stdv1, Stdv2,                   { standard deviations of the two samples }
          MeanDiff,                       { mean of difference of sample pairs }
           StdDiff,         { standard deviation of difference of sample pairs }
        tStatistic : double;                                     { t-statistic }
            var df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function Perform2SampleTTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
          TestType : TtTestVersion;           { kind of t-test to be performed }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
  var Mean1, Mean2,                                 { means of the two samples }
      Stdv1, Stdv2,                   { standard deviations of the two samples }
          MeanDiff,                       { mean of difference of sample pairs }
           StdDiff,         { standard deviation of difference of sample pairs }
        tStatistic : double;                                     { t-statistic }
            var df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function PerformChi2DistComp
    (CountObserved,                                 { array of observed counts }
     CountExpected : TIntArray;                     { array of expected counts }
          var Chi2 : double;                                { chi-square value }
             var p : double;                           { corresponding p value }
            var df : integer;                             { degrees of freedom }
    var nObs, nExp : integer)     { number of observations in the count arrays }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function PerformFTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
  var Mean1, Mean2,                                 { means of the two samples }
      Stdv1, Stdv2,                   { standard deviations of the two samples }
        FStatistic : double;                                     { t-statistic }
      var df1, df2 : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function PerformKSNormalityTest
             (Data : TVector;                            { sample observations }
          IsSorted : boolean)   { TRUE: vector is already sorted in asc. order }
                   : double; overload;                          { KS statistic }
function PerformKSNormalityTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                       { sample observations }
          IsSorted : boolean)   { TRUE: vector is already sorted in asc. order }
                   : double; overload;                          { KS statistic }
function PerformLillieforsTest
             (Data : TVector;                            { sample observations }
          IsSorted : boolean)   { TRUE: vector is already sorted in asc. order }
                   : double; overload;                  { Lilliefors statistic }
function PerformLillieforsTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                       { sample observations }
          IsSorted : boolean)   { TRUE: vector is already sorted in asc. order }
                   : double; overload;                  { Lilliefors statistic }
function PerformMannWhitneyUTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TVector;                 { data points of the two samples }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
    var UStatistic : double)                                     { U-statistic }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function PerformMannWhitneyUTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
          OneSided : boolean;                    { TRUE: one sided probability }
    var UStatistic : double)                                     { U-statistic }
                   : double; overload;                           { probability }
function PerformSiegelTukeyTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
    var UStatistic : double)                                     { U-statistic }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function Prob2x2Contingency
          (FreqTab : TInt2DArray;                        { 2x2 frequency table }
          var Prob : double)                                     { probability }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function ExactRunsTest
         (gs1, gs2 : integer;                                    { group sizes }
          observed : integer)                        { number of observed runs }
                   : double; { propability to find the observed number of runs }
function RunsTest
             (Data : TBitFld;                                    { binary data }
             var p : double)                { associated level of significance }
                   : boolean; overload;         { TRUE: sequence is non-random }
function RunsTest
             (Data : TBoolArray;                                 { binary data }
             var p : double)                { associated level of significance }
                   : boolean; overload;         { TRUE: sequence is non-random }
function RunsTestSerial
             (Data : TVector;        { data to be tested for serial randomness }
             var p : double)                { associated level of significance }
                   : boolean; overload;         { TRUE: sequence is non-random }
function RunsTestSerial
             (Data : TDoubleArray;   { data to be tested for serial randomness }
             var p : double)                { associated level of significance }
                   : boolean; overload;         { TRUE: sequence is non-random }
function tDistriDensity
                (t : double;                                         { t value }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                       { density of t distribution }
function tDistriIntegral
                (t : double;                                         { t value }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function tDistriQuantile
                (p : double;                                     { probability }
                df : integer)                             { degrees of freedom }
                   : double;                      { quantile of t-distribution }
function UDistriDensity
                (U : integer;                                    { U statistic }
              M, N : integer)            { number of data of each distribution }
                   : double;                   { density of the U distribution }
function UDistriIntegral
                (U : integer;                                    { U statistic }
              M, N : integer)            { number of data of each distribution }
                   : double;                                     { probability }
function UDistriQuantile
             (m, n : integer;            { number of data of each distribution }
              prob : double)                                     { probability }
                   : integer;                     { quantile of U-distribution }
function WeibullDensity
                (x : double;                                        { argument }
              beta : double;              { parameters of Weibull distribution }
               eta : double)
                   : double;                                         { density }
function WilcoxonSignedRankTest
     (Data1, Data2 : TDoubleArray;            { data points of the two samples }
             alpha : double;                           { level of significance }
          OneSided : boolean;                           { TRUE: one sided test }
         var mdiff,                                    { median of differences }
             WStat,                                       { Wilcoxon statistic }
          WCritLow,                                     { lower critical limit }
         WCritHigh : double)                            { upper critical limit }
                   : integer;                                     { error code }
function WilcoxonSRQuantile
            (NData : integer;                          { number of data points }
             alpha : double;                           { level of significance }
          twosided : boolean)                           { TRUE: two-sided test }
                   : integer;   { critical value for Wilcoxon signed rank test }
function ShapiroWilkTest
             (Data : TVector;                                    { data vector }
             NCens : integer;                  { number of right censored data }
            var pW : double;                                { p-value of WStat }
         var WStat : double)                                    { W statistics }
                   : integer; overload;                         { error number }
function ShapiroWilkTest
             (Data : TDoubleArray;                               { data vector }
             NCens : integer;                  { number of right censored data }
            var pW : double;                                { p-value of WStat }
         var WStat : double)                                    { W statistics }
                   : integer; overload;                         { error number }
function ShapiroWilkIntegral
            (WStat : double;            { W statistic of the Shapiro-Wilk test }
              NDat,                                           { number of data }
             NCens : integer)                        { number of censored data }
                   : double;                                        { integral }
function TheilSenEstimator
            (DataX,                                 { data to be used - x axis }
             DataY : TDoubleArray;                  { data to be used - y axis }
         var slope : double;                                           { slope }
     var Intercept : double;                                       { intercept }
       var slopeLL : double;                            { lower limit of slope }
       var slopeUL : double;                            { upper limit of slope }
       var iceptLL : double;                        { lower limit of intercept }
       var iceptUL : double)                        { upper limit of intercept }
                   : integer;                                   { error number }

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06