The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Interface of SDL_OnOffBut

  defLeftSpace = 35;                                      { default left space }
  defTopSpace = 18;                                        { default top space }
  SDLVersionInfo = 'onoffbut_r1200_full';
  IsLightEd = false;
  SDLVersionInfo = 'onoffbut_r1200_lighted';
  IsLightEd = true;
  Release = 1200;

  TOnOffButStyle = (oobsUser, oobsCheckbox, oobsRadioBut, oobsSlideTB,
                    oobsSlideLR, oobsColSlideTB, oobsColSlideLR, oobsLedRedGreen,
                    oobsArrowTopRgt, oobsArrowUpDown, oobsArrowLeftRight,
                    oobsTrafficLPed, oobsBeveledLed, oobsSmileyYellow,
                    oobsSmileyRedGrn, oobsBulb, oobsButLamp, oobsHDLeft,
                    oobsHDRight,  oobsUser1, oobsUser2, oobsUser3,
                    oobsUser4, oobsUser5);
  TOOButMouseAction = (oomaNone, oomaFocused, oomaPlain);
  TOOButMode = (oobmNormalBut, oobmSpeedBut);
  TOnOffBut = class (TGraphicControl)
                FOnOff        : boolean;                     { state of button }
                                              { state images [on/off, enabled] }
                FButImg       : array[boolean, boolean] of TBitMap;
                                 { user defined state images [on/off, enabled] }
                FUserImg      : array[boolean, boolean] of TBitMap;
                FMask         : TBitMap;
                FAutoCenter   : boolean;      { TRUE: button glyph is centered }
                FButStyle     : TOnOffButStyle;            { visual appearance }
                FGroupIndex   : integer;                         { group index }
                FMouseAction  : TOObutMouseAction;      { type of mouse action }
                FAllowAllOff  : boolean;{ TRUE: all grouped buttons may be off }
                FColorBakG    : TColor;           { color of button background }
                FColorTxt     : TColor;             { color of left/right text }
                FGlyphWidth   : integer;                      { width of glyph }
                FGlyphHeight  : integer;                     { height of glyph }
                FLeftSpace    : integer;   { space for text left to the button }
                FTopSpace     : integer;     { space for text above the button }
                FLeftText     : string;               { text at left of button }
                FTopText      : string;                { text above the button }
                FBottomText   : string;                { text below the button }
                FRightText    : string;              { text at right of button }
                FMode         : TOOButMode;     { normal button / speed button }
                FFrameStyle   : TFrameStyle;                  { style of frame }
                FTransParent  : boolean;        { TRUE: transparent background }
                FLTAlignment  : TAlignment;           { alignment of left text }
                FTTAlignment  : TAlignment;            { alignment of top text }
                FBTAlignment  : TAlignment;         { alignment of bottom text }
                FRTAlignment  : TAlignment;         { alignment of right label }
                FEnabled      : boolean;          { TRUE: component is enabled }
                FColBlackLine : TColor;             { colors to draw the frame }
                FColGrayLine  : TColor;                          { -"- }
                FColWhiteLine : TColor;                          { -"- }
                FColorScheme  : TColorScheme;         { color scheme of frames }
                procedure SetFrameStyle (value: TFrameStyle);
                procedure SetLeftSpace (Value: integer);
                procedure SetTopSpace (Value: integer);
                procedure SetLTAlignment (value: TAlignment);
                procedure SetTTAlignment (value: TAlignment);
                procedure SetBTAlignment (value: TAlignment);
                procedure SetRTAlignment (value: TAlignment);
                procedure SetLeftText (value: string);
                procedure SetTopText (value: string);
                procedure SetBottomText (value: string);
                procedure SetRightText (value: string);
                procedure SetTransparent (value: boolean);
                procedure SetOnOff (value: boolean);
                procedure SetAllowAllOff (value: boolean);
                procedure SetButMode (value: TOOButMode);
                procedure SetEnabled (value: boolean);
                procedure SetAutoCenter (value: boolean);
                procedure SetMouseAction (value: TOOButMouseAction);
                procedure SetColorScheme (Value: TColorScheme);
                procedure SetButStyle (value: TOnOffButStyle);
                procedure SetColorText (value: TColor);
                procedure SetColorBakG (value: TColor);
                procedure SetGroupIndex(Value: Integer);
                procedure ButtonPressed(Group: Integer; Button: TOnOffBut);
                procedure CMButtonPressed(var Message: TMessage);
                              message CM_BUTTONPRESSED;
                procedure UpdateExclusive;
                procedure AdjustAutoCenter;
                procedure ProcessResize(Sender: TObject);
                procedure ExtractGlyphs (Img: TBitMap);
                procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override;
                procedure LoadGlyphs;
                procedure Click; override;
                procedure Paint; override;
                procedure MouseUp (Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
                                   X, Y: Integer); override;
                procedure MouseDown (Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
                                   X, Y: Integer); override;
                procedure   Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
                constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
                destructor  Destroy; override;
                procedure SetUserGlyph (Img: TBitMap);
                procedure LoadUserGlyph (FName: string);
                property AllowAllOff: boolean
                             read FAllowAllOff write SetAllowAllOff;
                property AutoCenter: boolean
                             read FAutoCenter write SetAutoCenter;
                property Anchors;
                property BottomText: string
                             read FBottomText write SetBottomtext;
                property BottomTextAlignment: TAlignment
                             read FBTAlignment write SetBTAlignment;
                property ButtonStyle: TOnOffButStyle
                             read FButStyle write SetButStyle;
                property ColorBackgnd: TColor read FColorBakG write SetColorBakG;
                property ColorScheme: TColorScheme
                             read FColorScheme write SetColorScheme;
                property ColorText: TColor read FColorTxt write SetColorText;
                property Enabled read FEnabled write SetEnabled;
                property Font;
                property FrameStyle: TFrameStyle
                             read FFrameStyle write SetFrameStyle;
                property GroupIndex: Integer
                             read FGroupIndex write SetGroupIndex default 0;
                property LeftSpace: integer read FLeftSpace write SetLeftSpace;
                property LeftText: string read FLeftText write SetLefttext;
                property LeftTextAlignment: TAlignment
                             read FLTAlignment write SetLTAlignment;
                property Mode: TOOButMode read FMode write SetButMode;
                property MouseAction: TOObutMouseAction
                             read FMouseAction write SetMouseAction;
                property OnOff: boolean read FOnOff write SetOnOff;
                property ParentShowHint;
                property PopupMenu;
                property RightText: string read FRightText write SetRightText;
                property RightTextAlignment: TAlignment
                             read FRTAlignment write SetRTAlignment;
                property ShowHint;
             property StyleElements;
                property TopSpace: integer read FTopSpace write SetTopSpace;
                property TopText: string read FTopText write SetToptext;
                property TopTextAlignment: TAlignment
                             read FTTAlignment write SetTTAlignment;
                property Transparent: boolean
                             read FTransparent write SetTransparent;
                property Visible;
                property OnClick;
                property OnDblClick;
                property OnMouseMove;
                property OnMouseDown;
                property OnMouseUp;
                property OnResize;

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06