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Interface of SDL_FileSys

  SDLVersionInfo = 'filesys_r1200_full';
  IsLightEd = false;
  SDLVersionInfo = 'filesys_r1200_lighted';
  IsLightEd = true;
  Release = 1200;

  ESDLFileSysError = class(ESDLError);     { exception type to indicate errors }
  TTextfileType = (tftUnicode_le, tftUnicode_be, tftUnicode4_le, tftUnicode4_be,
                   tftRTF, tftUTF8, tftUnknown);

  TNumericFeedback = procedure (Sender: TObject; const num: double) of object;
                          { procedure type for general numeric feedback events }

  TStringFeedback = procedure (Sender: TObject; const msg: string) of object;
                           { procedure type for general string feedback events }

  TScanFilesFeedback = procedure (CurrentDir: string; Count: longint);
                   { procedure type for callback routine of ScanFilesToStrList }

  TFileCopyFeedBack = procedure (BytesCopied, SizeOfFile: longint);
                         { procedure type for callback routine during filecopy }

  TTreeCopyFeedBack = procedure (BytesCopied, SizeOfCurrentFile: longint;
                       NameOfCurrentFile: string; NrOfFilesCopiedSoFar: longint);
                         { procedure type for callback routine during filecopy }

  TOnFileSelectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Parameters: string; 
      var UserAction: TModalResult; var SelectedFileName: string) of object;

  TOnFileCheckEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; FileName: string;
      var FileDoesExist: boolean) of object;

  TOnOverwriteEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; FileName: string; 
      var OverwriteReply: TModalResult) of object;

  TOnForbiddenDirEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Path: string;
      var ForbiddenDirReply: TModalResult) of object;

  TUnivSaveDialog = class (TCommonDialog)
  TUnivSaveDialog = class (TComponent)
      FParams         : string;
      FFileName       : string;
      FParentWnd      : HWnd;
      FOnFileSelect   : TOnFileSelectEvent;
      FOnFileCheck    : TOnFileCheckEvent;
      FOnOverwrite    : TOnOverwriteEvent;
      FOnForbiddenDir : TOnForbiddenDirEvent;
      FUseStdDiag     : boolean;
      FFilterIndex    : integer;
      FForbiddenDir   : string;
{$IFDEF GE_LEV18}      
      SDiag           : TFileSaveDialog;
      procedure SaveDiagTypeChange(Sender: TObject);
      function IsForbiddenDir (FPath: string): boolean;
      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
      destructor Destroy; override;
      function Execute: boolean;
      property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName;
      property FilterIndex: integer read FFilterIndex write FFilterIndex;
      property ForbiddenDir: string read FForbiddenDir write FForbiddenDir;
      function ExtractParamAsInt (ParName: string): integer;
      function ExtractParamAsDouble (ParName: string): double;
      function ExtractParamAsString (ParName: string): string;
      property ParentWnd: HWnd read FParentWnd write FParentWnd;
      property Parameters: string
                   read FParams write FParams;
      property OnFileSelect: TOnFileSelectEvent
                   read FOnFileSelect write FOnFileSelect;
      property OnFileCheck: TOnFileCheckEvent
                   read FOnFileCheck write FOnFileCheck;
      property OnOverwrite: TOnOverwriteEvent
                   read FOnOverwrite write FOnOverwrite;
      property OnForbiddenDir: TOnForbiddenDirEvent
                   read FOnForbiddenDir write FOnForbiddenDir;
      property UseStandardDialog: boolean
                   read FUseStdDiag write FUseStdDiag;

  procedure AbortAnyFileCopying;
  function  AbridgeFilePath
               (Path : string;                      { file path to be abridged }
           MaxLength : integer)            { maximum lenth of resulting string }
                     : string;                            { abridged file path }
  procedure AppendToTextFile
              (FName : string;                        { file name of text file }
                  SL : TStringList); overload;    { string list to be appended }
  procedure AppendToTextFile
              (FName,                                 { file name of text file }
                Text : string); overload;              { string to be appended }
  procedure BuildDriveList
            (DrvList : TStringList); { string list returning all avail. drives }
  function CheckTextFileType
              (FName : string)                        { file name of text file }
                     : TTextFileType;                      { type of text file }
  procedure ClearTextFile
              (FName : string);                       { file name of text file }
  function CountFiles
           (FileMask : string;              { filemask of files to be included }
             SubDirs : boolean;     { TRUE: recursive search in subdirectories }
            Feedback : TScanFilesFeedback)          { feedback during counting }
                     : integer;                        { number of files found }
  function CountLinesInTextFile
         (const FVar : TextFile;                              { open text file }
            FeedBack : TFeedBackProc)               { feedback during counting }
                     : integer; overload;       { number of lines in text file }
  function CountLinesInTextFile
        (const FName : string;                             { name of text file }
            FeedBack : TFeedBackProc)               { feedback during counting }
                     : integer; overload;       { number of lines in text file }
  function DelDirTree
               (path : string)                            { path to be deleted }
                     : string;  { empty if OK, else path which caused problems }
  function DeleteFiles
           (FileMask : string)                       { mask for file selection }
                     : integer;                      { number of deleted files }
{- $ENDIF}
  function DeleteRegKey
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string)                             { key to be cleared }
                     : boolean;                              { TRUE if success }
  function  DeleteRegValue
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be deleted }
                     : boolean;                              { TRUE if success }
  function DetectStringInFile
              (FName : string;                            { text file to check }
        SearchString : string;                     { string to be searched for }
          IgnoreCase : boolean;              { TRUE: ignore case during search }
           MaxLength : integer)            { max. length to search in the file }
                     : integer;                   { position of search sString }
  function DirEmpty
            (DirName : string)                  { directory name to be checked }
                     : boolean;   { TRUE if directory is empty or non-existing }
  function DirExists
            (DirName : string)                  { directory name to be checked }
                     : Boolean;                     { TRUE is directory exists }
  function DirIsReadOnly
                (Dir : string)                        { directory to be tested }
                     : boolean;              { returns true if dir is readonly }
  function DiskIsReadOnly
              (Drive : byte)       { drive to be tested; 0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ... }
                     : boolean;       { returns TRUE if disk cannot be written }
  procedure EnsureCRLFInFile
           (SrcFName,                                       { source file name }
           DestFName : string);                        { destination file name }
  function EnsureDefaultFileExt
              (FName,                                               { filename }
                 Ext : string)                        { default file extension }
                     : string;     { filename having guaranteed file extension }
  function FileDetect
           (FileMask : string)                                   { search name }
                     : string;                                { full file name }
  function FilterCopyTextFile
            (InFName,                                   { file to be processed }
            OutFName : string;                                { resulting file }
     SuppressedLines : TIntArray)             { list of lines to be suppressed }
                     : integer;                                 { error number }
  function FindFirstMatchInTextFile
              (FName : string;                                      { filename }
           SearchExp : string;                             { search expression }
          IgnoreCase : boolean;              { TRUE: ignore case during search }
     var MatchedLine : string)                                  { matched line }
                     : integer;            { position of 1st matched character }
  function GetFileSize
           (FileName : string)                       { file name to be checked }
                     : Longint;                           { file size in bytes }
  function GetProgAssoc
            (FileExt : string)                                { file extension }
                     : string;                            { associated program }
  function GetAllRegSubkeys
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              RegKey : string;          { key for which the subkeys are sought }
             SubKeys : TStringList)        { list of defined subkeys in RegKey }
                     : integer;                      { number of found subkeys }
  function GetAllRegValueNames
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              RegKey : string;   { subkey for which the value names are sought }
          ValueNames : TStringList)    { list of defined value names in RegKey }
                     : integer;                  { number of found value names }
  function GetRegValue
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be deleted }
                     : string;                                    { read value }
  function GetRegValueAsInt
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be deleted }
                     : integer;                                   { read value }
  function GetRegValueAsDouble
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be deleted }
                     : double;                                    { read value }
  function GetRegValueAsBoolean
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be deleted }
                     : boolean;                                   { read value }
  function InsertBeforeFileExt
          (SubString,                               { substring to be inserted }
               FName : string)                                     { file name }
                     : string;          { filename with the substring inserted }
  function InventPassword
            (NrChars : integer)             { number of characters of password }
                     : string; overload;            { easily readable password }
  function InventPassword
            (NrChars : integer;             { number of characters of password }
            MixCases : boolean;    { TRUE: pwd contains lower/upper case chars }
           SpecChars : boolean)        { TRUE: password contains special chars }
                     : string; overload;            { easily readable password }
  function IsValidFileName
              (FName : string)                         { filename to be tested }
                     : boolean;                    { TRUE if filename is valid }
  function IsRootDir
               (path : string)                        { directory to be tested }
                     : boolean;       { returns TRUE is path is root directory }
  function ParentDir
               (path : string)                                     { directory }
                     : string;                              { parent directory }
  function ReadStringFromTextFile
              (FName : string;                                      { filename }
        StartTrigger,                                     { start trigger word }
          EndTrigger : string)                              { end trigger word }
                     : string;                                   { read string }
  function ReadLastNLinesOfTextFile
         (const FVar : TextFile;                        { text file to be read }
              NLines : integer;               { number of lines to be returned }
           var Count : integer)                { total number of lines in file }
                     : TStrArray; overload;   { array of the last NLines lines }
  function ReadLastNLinesOfTextFile
        (const FName : string;                                      { filename }
              NLines : integer;               { number of lines to be returned }
           var Count : integer)                { total number of lines in file }
                     : TStrArray; overload;   { array of the last NLines lines }
  function ReadNextWordInTextFile
         (const FVar : Textfile)                        { text file to be read }
                     : string;                         { next non-blank string }
  function RegKeyExists
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string)                             { key to be ckecked }
                     : boolean;                           { TRUE if key exists }
  function RegValueExists
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string)                           { value to be checked }
                     : boolean;                         { TRUE if value exists }
  function ReplaceInvalidFileNameChars
              (FName : string;                      { filename to be processed }
     ReplacementChar : char)                           { replacement character }
                     : string;                            { processed filename }
  procedure ScanFilesToStrList
           (FileMask : string;              { filemask of files to be included }
             SubDirs : boolean;     { TRUE: recursive search in subdirectories }
                  SL : TStringList;                 { string list to be filled }
            Feedback : TScanFilesFeedback);     { feedback during scan process }
  procedure SetAllFilenameCase
           (FileMask : string;                  { filemask of files to process }
                 Upc : boolean);                            { upper/lower case }
  procedure SetRegValue
            (RootKey : HKEY;                                        { root key }
              SubKey : string;                  { subkey where value is stored }
             ValueID : string;                                 { name of value }
               Value : string);                                        { value }
  function StripExtension
              (FName : string)                                     { file name }
                     : string;                        { name without extension }
  function StripPath
              (FName : string)                                     { file name }
                     : string;                             { name without path }
  procedure CopyFileTree
             (source,                            { path to root of source tree }
                dest : string;                      { path to destination tree }
      RemoveReadOnly : boolean;                  { TRUE: remove readonly flags }
            FeedBack : TTreeCopyFeedback);      { feedback during copy process }
  function DiskFreeExtended
              (Drive : Byte)       { drive to be tested; 0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ... }
                     : comp;                            { number of free bytes }
  function DOSToWinPath
            (DOSPath : string)                             { DOS 8.3 path name }
                     : string;                          { long Win32 path name }
  function IsDOS83Path
               (Path : string)                            { path to be checked }
                     : boolean;               { TRUE if path is DOS compatible }
  function IsFN83CompliantPath
               (Path : string)                            { path to be checked }
                     : boolean;       { TRUE if Windows filename 8.3 compliant }
  function ExtractDrive
               (Path : string)                            { path to be checked }
                     : integer;                                 { drive number }
  function GetEnviroVar
            (VarName : string)                          { environment variable }
                     : string;                 { value of environment variable }
  function GetSystemDir
                     : string;                      { returns system directory }
  function GetTempDir
                     : string;                   { returns temporary directory }
  function FileCopyFeedBk
         (SourceName,                                    { name of source file }
            DestName : string;                         { destination file name }
      RemoveReadOnly : boolean;                  { TRUE: remove readonly flags }
        FeedbackProc : TFileCopyFeedBack)       { feedback during copy process }
                     : integer;                                 { error number }
  function GetDiskDriveType
              (Drive : byte)       { drive to be tested; 0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ... }
                     : integer;                       { status of tested drive }
  function GetWindowsDir
                     : string;                     { returns windows directory }
  function MoveToRecycleBin
           (FileMask : String)      { filemask of files to move to recycle bin }
                     : integer;                        { number of moved files }
  function ReadHeaderOfASC    
              (FName : string;                   { name of ASC file to be read }
         var Comment : string;                        { comment line of header }
           var NFeat,                                     { number of features }
                NObj : integer;                            { number of objects }
           var ClInf,                         { TRUE if class info is included }
             NamFeat,                             { TRUE if names are included }
              NamObj,                      { TRUE if object names are included }
         NominalVars : boolean)       { TRUE if nominal variables are included }
                     : integer; overload;                       { error number }
  function ReadHeaderOfASC
           (InStream : TStream;                            { stream to be read }
         var Comment : string;                        { comment line of header }
           var NFeat,                                     { number of features }
                NObj : integer;                            { number of objects }
           var ClInf,                         { TRUE if class info is included }
             NamFeat,                             { TRUE if names are included }
              NamObj,                      { TRUE if object names are included }
         NominalVars : boolean)       { TRUE if nominal variables are included }
                     : integer; overload;                       { error number }

// the following function are only available from RadStudio 10.2 Tokyo upwards
  function DateTimeToFileTime
        (DateTimeUTC : TDateTime)
                     : TFileTime;
  function FileTimeToDateTime
           (FileTime : TFileTime)
                     : TDateTime;
  function GetFileDates
              (FName : string;
    var CreationDate,
       LastWriteDate : TDateTime)
                     : integer;
  function GetMacAddress
            (Adapter : integer;                                 { adapter type }
      var MacAddress : string)                                   { MAC address }
                     : integer;                                   { error code }
  function GetMemoryStatus
       (var TotalMem,                                  { total memory in bytes }
        AvailableMem : Int64)                      { available memory in bytes }
                     : boolean;              { TRUE: returned values are valid }
  function GetMemoryUsed
                     : UInt64;  { amount of memory used by the current process }
  function SetFileDates
              (FName : string;
       LastWriteDate : TDateTime)
                     : integer;

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06