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Class: TPolChart
Declaration: procedure CrossHairSetup (ch: integer; chColor: TColor; Mode: TpcCrossHMode; LineType: TPenStyle; LineWidth: integer);

TPolChart provides up to four independent crosshair cursors which may be displayed in addition to the data. These crosshairs are not part of the data container and may be configured and utilized by using the methods CrossHairSetup and CrossHairSetPos. The method CrossHairSetup defines various parameters of a particular crosshair ch :

chColor Color of the crosshair
Mode Type of crosshair cursor: Mode may take one of the following values:
chOff (crosshair is switched off)
chOrtho (orthogonal pair of crosshair lines across the chart)
chPolar (polar crosshair consisting of a circle and a radial line)
LineType Pen style for crosshair: LineType may assume one of the following values:
psSolid (sloid line)
psDot (dotted line)
psDash (dashed line)
psDashDot (dash-dot combinations)
psDashDotDot (series of dash-dot-dot combinations)
Note that the LineType will be effective only if LineWidth is set to 1
LineWidth Line width of the crosshair. Note that lines broader than 1 will always be drawn as solid line, even if LineType is set to some other value.

Hint 1: Switching any of the crosshairs on slows down panning and zooming by approx. 30 %

Hint 2: A better alternative for the property CrossHairSetup is the property CrossHair1..4.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13