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Unit: SDL_rchart
Class: TSmithChart
Declaration: property CrossHair: TCrossHair;

The property CrossHair controls the form and layout of the crosshairs and provides the following sub-properties:

PosX: double; Position on x-axis.
PosY: double; Position on y-axis.
Color: TColor; Color of the crosshair.
Layer: integer; The Layer property should always be set to 1, otherwise the crosshair may not behave as expected.
Mode: TCrossHMode; Defines the layout of the crosshair (chOff... crosshair switched off, chHoriz... horizontal linechVert... vertical line, chBoth... full crosshair)
LineType: TPenStyle; Pen style of the crosshair. LineType may assume one of the following values: psSolid (solid line), psDot (dotted line), psDash (dashed line), psDashDot (dash-dot combinations), psDashDotDot (series of dash-dot-dot combinations). Note that the LineType will be effective only if LineWid is set to 1
LineWid: integer; Line width of the crosshair. Note that lines broader than 1 will always be drawn as solid line, even if LineType is set to some other value.
OnChange: TNotifyEvent; Event triggered when any parameter of the crosshair is changed.

Hint: Please note that the crosshairs can be dragged interactively if the property MouseAction is set to maDragCrossH.

Example: This property is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): schart

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13