The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....


Declaration:constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);

The call to the constructor Create instantiates an object of the class TMeter and allocates the necessary memory. The meter object is initialized to the following defaults:
Caption := 'V'; 
ColorBakG := clWhite; 
ColorCover := clBtnFace; 
ColorScale := clNavy; 
ColorScheme := csBWG; 
FrameStyle := fsRaised; 
Height := 209; 
LimWatchActColor := clRed; 
LimWatchHighOn := true; 
LimWatchLowOn := true; 
LimWatchPsvColor := clGray; 
MeterDecPlaces := 1; 
MeterLayout := mlCirc90; 
MeterMinValue := 0.0; 
MeterMaxValue := 1.0; 
MeterNrTicks := 3; 
MeterShortTicks := true; 
MeterScaleLine := true; 
RimBottom := 10; 
RimSide := 10; 
RimTop := 8; 
Value := 0.0; 
Width := 297; 


ColorOutLine := clBlack; 
ColorBody := clSilver; 
ShadowColor := clGray; 
AnchorCovered := true; 
HeadSize := 20; 
AnchorSize := 24; 
HeadMidLeng := 20; 
ThickNess := 0; 
HeadAngle := 30; 
ShadowDx := 0; 
ShadowDy := 0; 

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14