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Class: TDataTable
Declaration: function CRCofNamesAndAttributes: string;

The function CRCofNamesAndAttributes calculates a 256-bit CRC code over the following information of the data table:
  • the comment
  • the row and column headings
  • the row and column attributes
  • the scale type of each variable (column)
  • the nominal identifiers of each variable
The CRC code is returned as a hexadecimal string of 64 characters.

Hint 1: Please note that the CRC code cannot be unique but there is only an extremely small chance to get a hash code collision. Thus the CRC code can be used to check whether two matrices are different (if the CRCs differ the matrices must be different), however there is a very small chance that the CRCs of two different matrices are equal.

Hint 2: In order to detect the change of any aspect of the data table you have to use the following three functions: CRCofCellStates, CRCofNamesAndAttributes, and NumericData.CRCofData

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14