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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function CountValues (Arr: TIntArray; LowElem, HighElem: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[2] function CountValues (Arr: TInt2DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[3] function CountValues (Arr: TInt3DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[4] function CountValues (Arr: TInt4DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer, LowTSlot, HighTSlot: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[5] function CountValues (Arr: TDoubleArray; LowElem, HighElem: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[6] function CountValues (Arr: TDouble2DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[7] function CountValues (Arr: TDouble3DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;
[8] function CountValues (Arr: TDouble4DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer, LowTSlot, HighTSlot: integer; RangeLow, RangeHigh: double): integer; overload;

The function CountValues searches the elements of the array Arr for values within the range specified by the constants RangeLow and RangeHigh. The function returns the total number of such elements that were found within the region specified by the parameters Low.... and High.....

The function returns the following error codes:

>0 ... everything is OK, the returned number is the the number found cells which fall into the specified range
-1 ... Arr has zero size
-2 ... invalid range

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06