The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....


Unit: SDL_matrix
Class: TMat4D
Declaration: function CopyVectorToPixel (Src: TVector; Col, Row, FirstLayer, TimeSlot: integer): integer;

The method CopyVectorToPixel copies the data of the vector Src to the pixel specified by the parameters Col, Row and TimeSlot. The parameter FirstLayer determines the layer where the first element of Src is copied to.

The parameters Col, Row, FirstLayer and TimeSlot have to be within the valid range (i.e. between 1 and NrOfColumns, 1 and NrOfRows, 1 and NrOfLayers, and 1 and NrOfTimeSlots). The function returns one of the following codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... Col is out of range
-2 ... Row is out of range
-3 ... FirstLayer is out of range
-4 ... TimeSlot is out of range

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06