The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....


Declaration:property Align: TAlign;

The Align property determines how the TGradFill component aligns within its container (or parent control). The property Align may take the following values:

alNone The component remains where you place it in the form.
alTop The component moves to the top of the form and resizes to fill the width of the form. The height of the component is not affected.
alBottom The component moves to the bottom of the form and resizes to fill the width of the form. The height of the component is not affected.
alLeft The component moves to the left side of the form and resizes to fill the height of the form. The width of the component is not affected.
alRight The component moves to the right side of the form and resizes to fill the height of the form. The width of the component is not affected.
alClient The component resizes to fill the client area of a form. If a component already occupies part of the client area, the component resizes to fit within the remaining client area.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14